Friday, May 30, 2008

Incredible Market / Mercados incredibles

Went out this morning to two different markets here in Mexico City -- Merced and Jamaica.

After maybe two or so hours in Merced, I was approached by a man from the administration who said I couldn't take any more photos. They claimed I could use the pictures to arrange kidnappings for human trafficking. I'm pretty sure they wanted me to pay them off. I left.

Este mañana saqué unos fotos de dos mercados aquí en D.F. -- La Merced y Jamaica.

Despues unas dos horas en la merced, me acercó un muchacho de la administración del mercado. Me dijo que yo no podría sacar mas fotos, porque yo los usaría para arreglar secuestros de la gente que aparecen en las fotos. Pienso que me quiesieran que yo les pagaría. Salí.

1 comment:

imanifest: nomad with rebel said...

Awesome photos. I'm going to be there from June 12-25. How long you're there for?