Friday, May 30, 2008

Incredible Market / Mercados incredibles

Went out this morning to two different markets here in Mexico City -- Merced and Jamaica.

After maybe two or so hours in Merced, I was approached by a man from the administration who said I couldn't take any more photos. They claimed I could use the pictures to arrange kidnappings for human trafficking. I'm pretty sure they wanted me to pay them off. I left.

Este mañana saqué unos fotos de dos mercados aquí en D.F. -- La Merced y Jamaica.

Despues unas dos horas en la merced, me acercó un muchacho de la administración del mercado. Me dijo que yo no podría sacar mas fotos, porque yo los usaría para arreglar secuestros de la gente que aparecen en las fotos. Pienso que me quiesieran que yo les pagaría. Salí.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

First full day in México

Here are a couple photos from my first full day in México.

Aqui estan unos fotos de mi primera dia completa aqui en México.

This corn on the cob, with a light dusting of chile and cheese, was made by the neighbor of the family I'm staying with. You eat it while still hot, with fresh squeezed lime and a little salt.

Este elote, con un poco chile y queso, hizo por el vicino de la familia con quien me quedaba. Se come caliente, con limón fresca y un poco sal.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Travel Time

Today I went from here....

To here......

From my beloved home of San Francisco to the massive Ciudad de México, where I have never been but will be spending the next 2.5 months. Much more to come later, but here are a couple images from my first, brief venture downtown today.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Bay To Breakers '08

Yep, it's that time of the year again. Time for stupid outfits and 9AM keg stands. I went out to make some pictures of this years 'race' last Sunday, and have a beer in the middle of the street because, hey, you can't do that every day. Especially not with 60,000 other people.

Monday, May 19, 2008


A student of environmental studies at San Francisco State and volunteer at San Bruno Mountain Watch, Doug Johnson is passionate about the environment. We spent a couple days together for the last project of the semester for my photostory class, and the highlight was a stunning hike around San Bruno mountains in South San Francisco. Here small selection from the weekend:

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Emanuel #2

Last Sunday was the 68th anniversary of Emanuel Church of God in Christ, and I had the privilege to photograph the preparation and service. Everybody was extremely kind -- here are my favorites from the day, enjoy.